In the Oven:
Prep Time: 30 min | Cook Time: 3hr 30min | Total Time: 4hrs |
- Let Roast fully defrost if frozen. Rest at room temperature for 30 min before cooking.
- Lightly coat roast with olive oil and season with salt and pepper (or the seasoning of you choice).
- Cook at 400°F for 20 minutes in a roasting pan or on a roasting rack.
- Reduce heat to 200°F. (slow roasting will ensure a juicy and tender roast).
- Every 15 minutes check internal temperature with a thermometer.
- For rare, pull roast out at an internal temp of 125°F and more a medium-rare roast 135°F.
- Let the roast rest for 15-20min before carving and serving.
On the BBQ:
Prep Time: 30 min | Cook Time: 1hr | Total Time: 1hr 30min |
- Let Roast fully defrost if frozen. Rest at room temperature for 30 min before cooking.
- Pre-heat BBQ to high heat.
- Wet hands and press your spice mixture into the surface of the roast.
- Sear roast on a lightly oiled grill, 4 minutes each side. This will lock the juices in.
- Place roast on the top grill with a roasting pan underneath to catch any drippings
- Place a meath thermometer in the roast and continue to cook until an internal temp of 125°F for a rare roast or 135°F for a medium-rare roast.
- Let Roast rest 15-20 min before carving.
In the Smoker:
Prep Time: 40 min | Cook Time: 4hrs | Total Time: 4hr 40min |
- Let Roast fully defrost if frozen. Rest at room temperature for 30 min before cooking.
- Set smoke to a temperature of 225°F.
- Apply a rub of your choice to the roast.
- Generously coat roast in a butter and herb mixture.
- Cook at 225°F until an internal temp of 120°F is reached.
- Turn Smoker up to 400°F and wrap roast in foil. Once the temperature reaches 400°F unwrap and place the roast on the grill.
- Cook until an internal temp of 125°F is met (for a rare roast) or 135°F (for a medium rare roast).